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Looking Ahead: New Articles in the Works


quillpenWe're currently updating our blog. In the meantime, here are a few notes about what you can expect in the future . . .

Each week, we'll share an insider secret, quick tip or market alert that addresses real, practical concerns, in plain English.

If you need or want more detail, simply click the links we provide or email or call us directly.

Most important, while we occasionally invite a guest author to contribute an article, our weekly posts are written by us and only us--no ghost writer, no marketing service-direct to you in the interest of keeping you in the loop.

Thanks for reading!

Here is a preview of coming posts:

More Colleges Adding Family Element to Fall Orientations

How to Choose Your School and Keep Your Choice Affordable

5 Steps You Must Take Now to Give Your Child a Great Financial Aid Award

7 Ways to Pay for College If You Did Not Receive Financial Aid

Warning: What Happens in Facebook Doesn't Always STAY in Facebook

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